Airmail Flight, cancelled in Usakos, DSWA, 19 May 1914

Album Pages

Airmail Flight, cancelled in Usakos, DSWA, 19 May 1914

GCCG member Jed Dorman, the proprietor of, makes available custom album pages for certain collecting areas.  As he is also the Archivist and Webmaster for GCCG, he is making the album pages for the German Colonies, Post Offices Abroad, and Colonial Postmarks available for download here as well.

For most collecting areas, pages will be available in four versions — a basic version that consists of only major variants, a specialized version that includes minor variants, and basic/specialized versions with black & white stamp photos in the boxes. For examples, see below.

Specialized with Stamp Photos

Specialized without Stamp Photos

Basic without Stamp Photos

In addition to the album pages for the stamps of the Colonies & Post Offices Abroad, postmark pages are also available for some areas (these are a work in progress, and updates will be posted as more are completed).  The pages are designed with a large blank space in the middle to accommodate stamps, postcards, or small envelopes.

These pages include a page for each postmark, postal marking, etc., for each colony, as listed in either Friedemann, the ArGe Kolonien postmark catalog, or markings known to the author which aren’t listed in either.  For example, pages are shown below for a post office, MSP cancel used in the colony, and a shipping line calling on the colony.

Post Office Postmark

MSP Postmark

Seepost Postmark

All PDFs are printable, but not editable. If you, the individual user, require specific customizations to accommodate stamps that don’t fit in the boxes (or you need additional boxes), minor customizations might be possible on a case-by-case basis, depending on the extent of the changes requested.

Due to the number of photos included on the pages, some of the files are very large.  If you would like a copy but can’t download files that large, please contact Jed Dorman through the Contact Us page.  It’s possible to custom generate a smaller file, though with some reduction in the quality of the photos.

For any questions, requests, or if you spot an error, please please contact Jed Dorman through the Contact Us page.

NOTE ON PRINTING:  If, when printing, you have the option to print the pages actual size or shrink them to fit the paper, do not select shrink to fit!  Doing so will shrink all content, including the stamp boxes, resulting in them being too small.  The pages should print correctly at actual size, regardless of any warnings your printer might give.

NOTE ON PRINTING LEUCHTTURM/LIGHTHOUSE & SCHAUBEK-SIZED PAGES:  If you are having difficulty getting these pages to print in the proper size and alignment on the paper, see the special instructions  here on

30 July 2024 – updated Marshall-Inseln Basic and Specialized pages to correct typo on Berlin “Marschall-Inseln” Overprint Reprints page.
29 July 2024 – updated Kamerun Postmarks to correct images on pages for Soufflay unofficial postmarks.
23 June 2024 – updated Specialized versions of Deutsch-Neuguinea to add page for Kieta Provisional.
19 June 2024 – updated Kiautschou Postmarks to add pages for “Genesungsheim Mecklenburghaus Posthilfstelle” auxiliary marking [p. 33] and Tsingtau Cash Payment Franking [p. 185]. Updated Kiautschou Specialized pages with better image on Tsingtau Cash Payment Franking page [p. 6].
14 June 2024 – updated Kiautschou Postmarks to reflect that use of the MSP No. 49 canceller aboard steamer Main [p. 113] while in Kiautschou is now known.
10 June 2024 – uploaded corrected version of Kamerun Postmarks, adding missing page for the Linie Hamburg Westafrika XXIX. postmark used on the coastal steamer Gouverneur von Puttkamer.
9 June 2024 – major updates to pages for German PO Abroad in Morocco. Added plate flaws, overprint flaws, & HAN pages to Specialized versions, and added Leuchtturm/Lighthouse and Schaubek versions.
4 June 2024 – major updates to pages for German PO Abroad in China. Added plate flaws, overprint flaws, & HAN pages to Specialized versions, and added Leuchtturm/Lighthouse and Schaubek versions.
21 May 2024 – added Deutsch-Ostafrika Postmarks and Deutsch-Südwestafrika Postmarks.  Updated all other Colonial postmark pages to fix minor formatting inconsistencies and correct minor historical data errors.
14 Dec 2023 – added Kamerun Postmarks.
5 Sep 2023 – initial upload of existing versions from